You can speed up the process a lot by getting an idea of what a gallery has within the first minute of stepping into their website. If the first couple of pages are loaded with nothing but cookie cutter pictures of tattoos, you should probably walk away from them, because that's what you'll see for the next hour. A lot of sites don't care that their pages are stuffed with generic junk, which is a drastically growing problem on the net.
The way to tell if a website will be worth looking though is to do a random search and see what comes up. Are there a lot of truly original designs to look at? Are you seeing the same bland stuff as the last place? Also, look at the top of the website and see if they have a message board. These little places are so valuable, because many of them are loaded with people sharing their thoughts and opinions. You can even find new galleries that have pictures of tattoos, because people always tend to talk about the great galleries they've found recently.
Last but not least, a good gallery is not afraid to tell their visitors where they get their pictures of tattoos. If they don't, you can assume that they're just stealing any generic stuff they can from around the web, just so they can fill their database. If they "do" let you know, that's a very good sign, because this means that real artists are probably sending in their picture galleries. It also means that other people are sending in picture gallerie sof their own tats, which is a great way to get ideas.
Looking at pictures of tattoos is the first real step toward making your own choices, so it should never be a step you bypass.