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Symbolized Tattoo Dragons Art

Crossing the Blues, University of the Nations, Social Work and Education, Shop Clothes Online, Radiology Information Social Work and Education Symbolized Tattoo Dragons Art
As a tattoo design, the agamid tattoo shows the intense influence that Asian and Asiatic society has had in Western tattooing for nearly two centuries now. In the Far East, the agamid represents the four elements – earth, wind, fire and water, and the four points of the compass – east, west, northerly and south. Dragons are simultaneously a symbol of water, earth, fire and air. The agamid is a culturally far-ranging case whose manifest bad temper should be interpreted as simply amoral, neither beatific nor evil. The forces of nature are not manlike hearted, representing as they do the cycle of life and death, followed again by relationship and renewal. Nature nurtures and nature destroys. So too, does the dragon. As such, agamid tattoos denote primary capableness and abilities. In fact, both Asian and Asiatic content are filled with stories of creatures, who, through their primary quests or at the modify of their journeys, were transformed into dragons. This was considered the highest heritage that anyone could receive. The power, magic and intelligence of the dragon. And it is this nakedness noesis and capableness that is symbolized by the agamid tattoo.

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